Are You Happy?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Do what you love and the money will follow?”

I used to think that was a sweet, albeit unrealistic saying. I mean, I was an opera singer for goodness sake. I poured my whole heart and soul into it and never made any real money.

Admittedly, I never made it to the Met and perhaps if I had had more artistic success, I would be singing a different tune right now. (Sorry, couldn’t resist that one….)

However, what I’ve come to realize is, doing what you love truly IS the path to joy and abundance. The trick is, most of us are not completely dialed in to what we want and perhaps more importantly WHY we want it.

Even though I passionately love, love, love singing (I mean I really love it), when I was younger, my singing meant something very different to me.

It meant a way out.

There’s’ no way at the age for 20 I could have told you from what exactly I was trying to escape. I just knew I thought singing was going to be my ticket to happiness.

Here’s what I thought singing would do for me….

-give me validation.
-make me famous.
-provide me with lots of money (when I got famous).
-make me feel important.
-make me feel beautiful.
-bring me adoration.
-bring me praise.
-bring me recognition.
-make me popular.

If you’ve ever had the lovely opportunity to have a laryngoscope shoved down your throat, that’s a long tube with a camera attached, you would know your vocal chords are tiny. On average, they’re only about 12-24 mm’s long and 3-5 mm’s thick. That’s it.

When I think of all the pressure I was putting on those two, teeny folds, sheesh, of course, there was NO WAY they could stand up to the pressure!! How could something so small and delicate possibly carry the weight of my entire happiness? Obviously, they couldn’t.

I know there are fabulous singers who had/have just as many misguided, neurotic motivations to be performers as I did who went on to have fabulous careers. I think it’s fair to say there are a LOT of messed up, extremely “successful” artists out there. But I couldn’t do it. My body wouldn’t let me.

The more I WANTED “it,” the tighter I got. I remember very clearly trying to sing in a masterclass where my jaw got so tight, I literally could not open my mouth. How’s that for your body trying to tell you something?

Believe me when I tell you, it was extremely painful. I felt like a leopard without spots. Why would God give me this gift if I couldn’t use it?

The problem was I was asking something of my singing it could never give me. I was begging it to show me I was lovable, but there’s no way it could because deep down, I didn’t believe it. I treated singing like an insecure teenager treats her wardrobe. I was riddled with self-loathing and insecurity.

Luckily, all the pain and disappoint I felt drove me to find answers. “Why is this happening to me? How can I feel better? Is there something else I should be doing with my life?”

I began an intense journey of self-discovery and healing that continues to this day. Obviously, I stopped pursuing a professional singing career to become an entrepreneur, however, the story doesn’t stop there.

I recently had a major epiphany.

For the past several months, I’ve been waking up depressed, not in a full-on depression kind of way, but generally down. I know a lot of happiness tools, so usually by mid-morning my mood improved. However, it was starting to really bother me to start my day this way.

Again, I began asking myself, “Why is this happening to me? How can I feel better? Is there something else I should be doing with my life?”

The answer came back a big YES!

I realized I had been operating my business to some degree in the same way I used to approach my singing, looking for outside validation. I was trying to figure out just the right program, meme, photo or blog post that was going to get people to respond to me. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for marketing and promoting your business, but my flavor of outside-in approval was rearing it’s ugly head again and reeking havoc on my happiness.

I’ll admit, it totally sucked to come to this realization, but I am sooooo grateful because it brought me back to myself.

I know that I know that I know when you honor who you are first, you create happiness and abundance which is why I have decided to make some changes in they way I do things around here.

Don’t worry, I’m still going to give tips and concrete strategies to build your business, but I am also going to be talking a LOT more about holistic success. Because YOU are a whole person. If you are not happy and healthy, you will never create the kind of business that lights you up and makes you money at the same time.

Your business needs to be an expression of who you are at your most creative, expressive, talented, intelligent, LOVING core. When you create a business from that place, you understand why and how you are here to serve. You build a true tribe that loves you and hangs on your every word.

I have spent the past 30 years learning how to love, honor and express who I am to be happy and prosperous. I want to help you do the same.

I can tell you from personal experience, if you don’t create your business in alignment with your deepest desires, it will mess with your mojo. Believe me, I know. On the flip side, if you do, it’s sunshine and roses Baby! (Did I mention I woke up in a good mode today?:)

If you’d like to know how to create a business that makes you happy and profitable, CLICK HERE=>

Until next time, here’s to hitting all your high notes.

How Not To Die A Miserable Wretch

Life stinks and then you die. Sadly, that’s what a lot of people think. Even if they don’t think it, they certainly act that way.

Why are so many people miserable?

Maybe you’re thinking “That’s not me, I’m not miserable.” That’s great, but can you honestly say you have a deep sense of peace, calm and contentment? If so, give me a call and we can hang out on my deck together. Unfortunately, that’s not how most people feel on a regular basis.

What does this have to do with branding?… Everything!
[Read more…]

The Importance Of Intentional Personal Branding

Don’t look now, but your brand is following you.

When most people hear the word brand it conjures up names like Nike, Apple or Coca-Cola, but brands are not just for corporations. They are for people too and not only for the likes of Oprah or Kim Kardashian. Each one of us has our own unique brand.

For all we hear about brands, however, a lot of people are still not totally clear on what a personal brand is or why it’s important. Don’t be fooled, your personal brand is critical if you want to create a fulfilling career. It doesn’t matter if you are an entrepreneur, a corporate executive or a government employee; personal brand management is one of the most important jobs you have on your journey to success.

So what exactly is a personal brand? In short, it is your reputation. Your brand is comprised of everything about you, your expertise, personality, work ethic, the way you dress and even the way you communicate. Basically, it’s everything you put out into the world that represents who you are. However, that’s only half of the equation. The other half is the perception of you held in the minds of your audience. If that audience is your boss or a potential client you can see why it’s so important to be thoughtful about your personal brand management.

People make assumptions and judgements about each other all the time. You want to be sure the assumptions people make about you are the ones you want them to make. You want to have as much influence as possible on the perception others have of you. Cruise control works for cars, but is detrimental to careers. You want to be in the driver’s seat of your brand.

There is a misconception out there that personal brand management is about putting on a shiny, fake veneer to impress or intimidate your audience. This is a false interpretation. It is instead acting with a clear and focused intention so you can reach your potential in a way that make you feel excited and grounded in who you. It is expressing your best, most authentic self in a way that is alignment with your goals.

Of course, you want to impress people, but you want to do it from a place of integrity and personal power and there are few things more empowering than having a clear and confident sense of who you are. The problem is, most people don’t know what they want and if they do know, they don’t know why they want it so they blithely go down a career plan that often leaves them feeling dissatisfied and frustrated.

We don’t want that to happen to you, so here are some key tips to keep in mind when thinking about your personal brand:

Clarity Is Key:

The first step to a powerful personal brand is awareness. You need to take the time and space to think about yourself. It may sound a bit “new-agey,” but it’s called a personal brand for a reason. This is about you, you career, your happiness.

No one can answer the questions to the deeper motivations for your brand better than you. When you do allow others to think for you, you give away your power and create a default brand that may not be in your best interest. You must give yourself permission to ponder the more thought provoking questions.

Here are few to get you started:

What do I care about?
What do I value?
What are my passions?
What are my unique strengths?
What kind of work am I doing when I feel most alive and empowered?
What kind of impact do I want to make in my field or even on society?
What do I want my career to look like 10 years from now?
What kind of environment or people do I want to be surrounded by?

This may not be something you can or should do in one sitting. These are big life questions, so be patient with yourself if the answers don’t immediately pop to mind. If you sit with them for a while, eventually what feels most true will gurgle to the surface.

Declare Your Position:

Once you’ve answered some of these questions, it’s time to decide what path you want to pursue and declare who you are in terms of how you want to be seen in pursuit of that path. This declaration can be in the form of a personal manifesto or simply statements made about who you that are sewn into your brand communications in places like your social media channels, professional bio, website copy or even in media interviews.

It may sound lofty, but making a declaration about who you are is very useful not only for you to define yourself, but also for those around you to be able to recognize, remember and most importantly, refer you. You begin to take up a unique space in the minds of your audience and differentiate yourself from the crowd.

By committing to a specific direction and point of view, you begin to refine and strengthen your position as a leader which then opens up more prestigious and profitable opportunities.

Remember, great brands are narrow and deep, not ambiguously wide and unfocused.

Take Consistently Aligned Actions:

Once you are clear on what you desire and have clearly articulated your unique value, you need to take action, but not just any action. From this point forward, you want to be sure your actions are in alignment with and accentuate your desired brand perception.

For example, if you want to be seen as C-suite material, you need to consistently look, act and sound like someone who could take on that role. Do you dress like a leader? Do you speak with confidence? Do you make bold and valuable contributions to your company? Does your professional bio paint a vivid picture of your expertise? Are you stepping up for leadership responsibilities?

If you are an entrepreneur, does your website have a clear message? Do you have good visual branding with your logo, fonts, colors etc.? Do you know how to communicate your unique value in a way that is immediately obvious to your potential clients? How do you show up on social media? You need to be consistent across all platforms.

These pieces either build or damage your brand equity. If you want to accelerate your success, you must create a clear, cohesive and consistent brand presence with everything you do professionally. It is a noisy world and if you want to stand out, you need to find and project your own unique voice and keep it out there long enough to get noticed.

Heather Poduska is a brand strategist, business coach and opera singer who helps entrepreneurs and small business owners create client attractive brands, polished brand images and brand communication strategies to increase their visibility and impact in the marketplace and grow their businesses. You can find out more about Heather by visiting her website at or connecting with her on social media at

Is Your Brand Image Damaging Your Credibility?

At an event I attended recently for my daughter, I was chatting with another parent who is an administrator at a prominent local hospital. Between discussing braces, soccer and upcoming summer plans, we actually got around to talking about non-kid topics. I asked how work was going and he mentioned that he was swamped because in addition to seeing patients, he also was in the process of trying to fill an open position on his staff. When I asked him how it was going, his answer verified something I know to be true… IMAGE MATTERS.

This man told me how they had searched and searched for a qualified candidate and he was excited, but also nervous about someone they found that might be great. The candidate had a really good resume and the appropriate experience, but the problem was “she looked pretty disheveled.” Even though he liked her, he was worried the rest of his staff would not go for it based on her appearance. He went on to tell me that he knew the candidate was a busy mom and as a dad he gets how hectic it can be, but this was a reflection of the candidate’s judgement about the way she presented herself for the interview.

Even though this dad was someone I knew through our kids, I am quite certain he didn’t know I am a brand strategist and image consultant. We were just having a friendly conversation while we waited for our kids. So it wasn’t a case of him trying to come up with some common ground or something I’d be interested in hearing about. It was just the first thing that popped into his mind when I asked him about work.

The point is, people notice your appearance and how you present yourself absolutely effects their impression of you. The example I just shared is a real life situation where someone might lose out on a great opportunity solely because of their personal image. Do you think she will ever know that’s why she didn’t get the job? I doubt it and that’s why I’m revisiting the importance of image with you today. I want to remind you that people are watching, your image matters and it should be a priority when thinking about your personal brand.

Before we go any further, I want to say I AM that busy mom, no I’m not applying for a job in health care, but I am the mom who goes to the gym at 5am and then stops at grocery store afterwards to pick up milk for breakfast in my yoga pants. I do not look perfect all the time as many of you know first-hand. So I want to be clear that I am not implying you try to look perfect 24/7. However, if you are showing up as the ambassador of your brand, you would be very wise to put some thought and effort into your brand image.

I will never forget the first time I [Read more…]

How to Make a Delicious Brand Cocktail…

After a recent trip to Jamaica, my 7 year old daughter said to me, “Mom, I miss hotel life…” Me too, Honey, me too. One thing I miss is having a lovely waiter bring me some delicious, frothy concoction to my pool side chair. On the plane ride home I was already thinking about how I could recreate some of the wonderful treats from vacation, but it won’t be the same. I’ve decided everything tastes better when you are wearing flip-flops.

There is something special about the poolside frozen drink. Sure you could order an ice-cold Coke or even a wine spritzer to quench your thirst, but where’s the thrill in that? When was the last time your Chardonnay came with a maraschino cherry and an umbrella? A good mixed-drink experience is a performance, a spectacle. It is a wild, fun ride that ends with a very happy customer. Hmmm, sounds like a recipe for good branding…

Here is my recipe for a crowd-pleasing Brand Cocktail: [Read more…]

Why Am I So Sad?

If you are someone who lives for Fridays, you are probably in the wrong job. Of course, we all have work weeks that are more challenging than others, but believe it or not, there are people who get just a little sad when the week is over. Who are these crazy whack jobs?? They are people who are keenly aware of their personal brands.

These people live and work in a way that allows them to optimize their strengths and get compensated for doing what they love. I know it’s true, because I’ve seen it many times with own clients. These people love what they do and feel blessed to be able to spend their time being engaged in activities at which they excel.

People who understand their personal brands enjoy one of life’s greatest pleasures, [Read more…]

Is Your Personal Brand Ready for Promotion?

Have you ever wondered why sometimes really smart, qualified people are not promoted?  Why is it that some entrepreneurs are able to grab the spotlight while others stumble around in anonymity? Two articles I read recently in the Harvard Business Review and Marie Claire magazine address this issue by talking about something called “executive presence.” All other things being equal such as experience or education, the person with the strongest executive presence, or what I call good personal branding, will get the promotion or in the case of the entrepreneur, the business.

“You’re smart, driven, and good at what you do. But that alone won’t be enough to score you a promotion or corner office. A slew of other factors that constitute “executive presence”–from your wardrobe to your ability to inspire colleagues–will also play a huge role in how far you will go.”– Marie Claire Magazine

A study conducted by Sylvia Ann Hewlett of the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) concluded that having executive presence “accounts for as much as 28 percent of a woman’s success.”  That means almost a third of what goes into your success is not based on how well you actually do your job! So what makes up executive presence?  According to Hewlett, there are three basic factors:  how you look, how you speak and how you behave. “It’s all three things and nailing them makes you a contender.”

Let’s take a closer look… [Read more…]

Does this Brand Make Me Look Fat?

Come on, admit it. We’ve all tried something on that hasn’t felt exactly right and then surveyed our husband or best girl friend for an answer we’d like to hear. We say “Does this make me look fat?” Of course, we want them to say “No, honey, you look beautiful.” But honestly, if you felt beautiful in the first place, you probably wouldn’t have asked the question.

I have found recently many people do the equivalent with their brands. They try things on for size, it might be a new service or a new tagline, and then they survey the heck out of anyone who will listen. “What do you think of my new_____?”

Don’t get me wrong, surveys are wonderful and necessary tools to get clear on how best to promote your brand and serve your audience. The problem comes when [Read more…]

Does Your Brand Look Good Naked?

Have you ever found yourself paging through one of those celebrity fashion magazines feeling a little cynical? That little green monster creeps in as you compare yourself to all those gorgeous ingenues. You comfort yourself by making excuses as to why they are there looking so beautiful and you are still living the life of a mere mortal woman. How hard is it to look beautiful when you’re wearing a glitzy dress or ball gown? After all, it’s one of the most flattering things a woman can wear. It’s all smoke and mirrors you think. Peel away the glitz and glamour and underneath it all they are probably not that special. Or at least you hope. [Read more…]

Is Fear Killing your Brand?

If I could wave a magic wand and get rid of one thing that plagues most human beings, it would be worry. I hate worry, HATE IT!  It is an evil that must be challenged at every turn. Worry stops dreams before they start. Worry poisons passion. And worry is one of the leading causes of a malady that strikes down many otherwise healthy business owners. It’s called weakbranditis. Weakbranditis is a condition that occurs when people worry too much about what other people think. They worry whether or not people will like them. They worry they will come across too strongly, too girly, too anything and everything. In an effort to avoid the discomfort of possible rejection, they pull back, tone down or dilute the very things that would make their brands special and memorable. [Read more…]

Go Ahead and Cheat

Don’t you wish you could dig into a hot-fudge sundae and there would be no repercussions. You’d gain no weight, your blood sugar wouldn’t spike, your cholesterol would not be effected. It would be a world where cheating was not cheating. Wouldn’t that be nice? You could simply indulge and enjoy the warm fudgy goodness. It may not ever be the case that indulging your sweet tooth won’t negatively impact your health, however, there are times when cheating is not only ok, it’s highly encouraged. [Read more…]

To Do or Do To Do, That is the Brand Question.

We are so lucky to live at this time and in this society. Now more than ever there is an abundance of opportunity. However, with all this opportunity it is sometimes difficult to know which choices to make. If you are trying to decide between a good option and a bad one the choice is obvious, but what do you do when there is no obvious distinction between a good and bad idea? What if you have more than one appealing opportunity? How do you know what to do? [Read more…]

Put a little Spring into your Brand Step.

One of the pillars of good branding is consistency. Consistency makes your brand stick in the minds of your audience. The more consistent you are with your brand message and image, the more recognizable and memorable your brand becomes. When you are consistent, you develop a reputation for being reliable. However, we need to be careful we don’t let the reliability of our brands allow them to get boring. Sure, reliability and consistency are the foundations of successful branding, but let’s face it, if that’s all you have going for your brand it’s about as exciting as an old shoe. If you really want to entice your audience you are going to have to trade in those clunky loafers for some sexy sandals.

Here are some of my tips for putting some spice in the soul of your brand: [Read more…]

Fail to Impress

One of our most important jobs as entrepreneurs is attracting clients. As a result we do all kinds of things to capture the attention of our audience. We want to make a big impression so we will be remembered and, hopefully, even referred.  However, while it’s good to make a positive impression, being impressive should not be the ultimate goal when it comes attracting your ideal clients. A far better and much more effective approach is to create an authentic brand that speaks to the hearts of your audience.

Remember the old story of the wind and the sun competing to see who can get a man to take off his jacket first? The wind howls and tries to blow the man’s jacket off, but the harder the wind blows the tighter the man clings to his jacket. The sun, on the other hand, beams its rays of light and warmth on the man. He gets so toasty he takes his jacket right off. I suspect he even enjoys the warmth and the glow of the sun.

It’s like that with branding as well. If you are merely impressive, you are like the wind. You may blow long and hard, but you are not getting your clients to open up to all the wonderful things you have to offer. In order for you to get your audience to open up to you and your services, you must warm them up and connect with them on an emotional level. The best way to do this is [Read more…]

Can you pass the Kleenex test?

IStock_000018351117XSmallAs it is winter now, it is also cold and flu season so there is a lot of coughing, sneezing and sniffling going on out there. One thing you will probably need to stock up on is your supply of Kleenex. Notice I did not say tissues. I said Kleenex. I have to confess that I didn’t even know tissues were called tissues until I was an adult. My whole life growing up I thought those things you blew your nose into were Kneenex. I had no idea Kleenex was a brand name. I thought it was a noun. In my mind Kleenex is synonymous with tissues, they are one in the same. Now that is some powerful branding!

Another example of this pheneomon is Coke. There are many places in the country where people call all cola drinks Coke whether they are actually drinking a Coke or a Pepsi or anything else. Coke is coke. It almost makes you feel sorry for the other guys. Their brands don’t even really exist in those circumstances. [Read more…]

Rest, Reflect, Rebrand

Rest, Reflect, RebrandAs I’m sitting here on my sofa after much celebrating, visiting, baking, eating, and gift giving I am feeling fat, happy, relaxed and exhausted. It has been a wonderful time for our family and I feel incredibly blessed. I also feel super tired. When I asked my friends what they were doing for their holiday vacation, many were heading to the slopes for some family ski time. While the idea of heading to the slopes with my crew seems like fun in theory, the reality is I just don’t have the energy. I could rally to do something more ambitious, but I know that would be a mistake. I know it’s important for me and my family to rest and regroup no matter what everyone else is doing.

This is something I have learned over time. In the past I would have pushed myself to do something more. After all, other people are doing more, or so it seems from the outside. However, I’ve learned at this point that in order for me to enjoy my life and my work I have to respect my own boundaries. If I don’t take the time to recharge my batteries I know my mood and creativity will plummet and ultimately, so will my productivity.

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Baby it’s Cold Outside

Baby it's Cold OutsideAs it is getting colder in New England I realized it is time to buy a new winter jacket. In full disclosure I already have several winter jackets so I don’t actually need another one to keep warm. I do want another jacket, however, because am not completely satisfied with how I feel in the ones I have now. It’s not a question of how they fit, it’s a question of how I feel about myself when I’m in those jackets. I mentioned in a previous post that I recently re-embraced an edgier part of my personal brand, so now I feel like I want to have that edginess come through in my winter jacket.

Why all the fuss about a winter jacket? If you live anywhere where it’s cold in the winter, you know you spend 90% of your time interacting with other people wearing your winter coat. It becomes a very big part of how your personal brand is expressed in your appearance. Putting together a branded outerwear ensemble is a really smart and fun thing to do. All you need is a great coat or jacket in a neutral color and then you can add all the do-dads and colors you want with hats, scarfs, mittens, etc. The possibilities are endless and to change-up the look can also be really cheap and easy. You just need to change up the accessories. If you have a brand color this is a great way to incorporate it. If, for example, you are known for being very holistic and natural you may choose a shade of green for your accessories. Don’t be afraid to play around and have fun with it.

[Read more…]

Find Your Path with Personal Branding

Find Your Path with Personal BrandingWe live in a world where everyday there are more and more options available to us, especially for women. It used to be that as a woman your two main career choices were either nurse or teacher. Nurses and teachers happen to be my personal heroes so I’m not knocking those professions. Now, however, a woman can choose to be just about anything her heart desires. This is a great improvement, but it comes with its own set of challenges. With so many options it can be hard to choose a direction. Wouldn’t it be great if there was some magic wand you could wave that would just point you in the right direction? Well, there is and it’s call personal branding.

At its core, personal branding is about clarity, clarity about who you are, what you have to offer, and how you want to express that in the world. When you are clear about what makes you tick and what your unique contribution can be, your decision process becomes infinitely easier. You start to recognize which opportunities will enhance your life experience and which ones will lead you further away from home base. You personal brand is always there for you to tap into like a life compass.

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“Free your mind, and the rest will follow…”

"Free your mind, and the rest will follow..."I LOVE summer.  I do not like summer, I LOVE it.  Despite the inch-thick layer of gooey sunscreen I have to wear, despite the bozo-esque hair I sport after a dip in the pool, I still think summer rocks.  It’s the one time of the year when all my kids are free at the same time.  We don’t have to be at gymnastics, girl scouts or soccer.  We are free to rome and explore and do as we please.

One of my favorite things to do on these steamy days is take the kids on mini-adventures.  We explore different parts of the city, a new beach or a new restaurant.  Last weekend we went into the North End of Boston and had pizza, gelato and a carousel ride.  I find after these little outings my mind feels freer and I have many more creative ideas.  I also often find myself adapting or incorporating something from these experiences into my routine when I return home.  This time it happened to be a wonderful watermelon and basil salad, yum.

Summer is a great time to re-energize your brand too.  Things are not as rigid and structured as the rest of the year.  It’s easier to try something new.  I’m not talking about radically changing who you are or what you stand for, but rather opening up to new possibilities that feel exciting and authentic.  New exposures and experiences can give our brands new life and greater depth.

So next time you find yourself meandering through an exotic spice shop or people watching on a park bench, don’t chastise yourself for not being behind your desk.  Just think of it as a working vacation.  See you on the beach!

Are you marrying material?

We often talk about the importance of first impressions. They are, of course, extremely important. Great thought and effort is put into how we present ourselves for the first time in any situation.  Think about all those "firsts", a first date, a first job interview, meeting your child's teacher for the first time.  We put a little extra effort preparing for the first time we are going to meet someone we want to impress.  However, what about the second, third or even tenth time we have an encounter?  Chances are you relax into something less formal which is natural.  However, this can be a slippery slope when it comes to your brand.

Great branding is based in consistency.  You certainly do want to make a spectacular first impression. In business a great first impression can open the door for you.  What keeps that door open, however, is what happens next.

Anyone can look great and be charming once in a while, but it's how you behave and present yourself over the long haul that really matters.  You may date someone who is cute and fun to be with, but you probably would not marry that person unless they showed over time they were also kind, committed, caring, and honest etc.  You don't want to "date" your clients.  You want to build long term relationships with them.  They need to trust you.  They need to see you value the relationship.  You do this by continuing to put your best effort forward. 

Can your clients count on you?  Do you consistently respond in a timely matter to emails and phone calls,  or do your clients have to pester you for answers?  Do you continue to dress sharply when you meet with your clients to show you respect them, or you have let your guard down with your appearance?  Do you find extra ways of showing your clients you value their business or do you figure they just "know" you appreciate them?

Remember your brand is held in the mind of your clients over time.  If you want them to see you as marrying material you must continue to show them you care.

Will your brand be memorable?

This week I am an vacation with my family in beautiful Sanibel, Florida.  We are renting a lovely house near the beach.  Upon arrival I met the current owner of the property who explained to me the house's original owner died six months after the house was completed and therefore some of the personal pictures are still on the walls.  As we settled in I had a chance to look around and noticed these pictures.  Much to my surprise they are snapshots of the former owner with Bill & Hillary Clinton, the Pope, with Jimmy Carter and several other extremely important figures.  Out of curiousity I also googled her and found out that she had been one of the most influencial activists and lobbyist in the political world in the 70's and 80's, a feat not easily accomplished, especially by a woman at that time.

Staying in this house, looking at those pictures has made me think about my own legacy.  What mark am I making on the world, on my community, and most importantly, on my family?  What do I want to accomplish in my life time?  Fortunately, I am already pretty clear about my goals and my purpose because of my own personal branding.  My greatest value is, of course, my family.  I do make them a priority. When and if I notice that I am getting too involved with other projects or distractions, I refocus my attention back to them.  Staying close to this value keeps me feeling grateful, grounded and loved.

One of the other legacies I would like to leave behind is a path for other women to follow showing them how to claim their own powerful voices, to revel in them and to monetize them.  I would like to show them how deeply satisfying it is to align your passions and values with your work.  When you do, you create a very fuzzy line between work and play.  It is such a joyful experience.  If I can bring that to more people I will feel like I have given a unique and powerful gift in my lifetime.

Now it's your turn.   What do you want to acomplish in your lifetime?   

The Personal Branding Compass

I recently heard an interview with Elizabeth Lesser, a leader in the field of emotional intelligence, where she said, "If you don't know who you are, how can you follow your longings?"  It was such a simple , yet incredibly profound statement.  If you don't know who you are, how can you know what you want out of life?  If you don't know what you really want, how do you know in which direction to go? 

This is where personal branding comes in.  At its core, personal branding is the process of discovering yourself.  When you are very clear about who you are, what your goals are and where your passions lie, you have a compass for your life. Your personal brand becomes your own due north. 

The great thing about a compass is that it is portable.  Any time you feel like you are getting off track you can take it out and check your directions.  The same is true for personal branding.  If you ever feel  unsure of your next step you can check in with your brand.  Does the decision you are making conflict with your values?  Is it in alignment with your goals?  If you don't know the answers to those questions you could very well get lost.  However, with your trusty compass in your pocket you can always find your way.



The scenic road of personal branding

So many people are struggling to get "there," wherever that may be.  They want to be wealthier, happier, have better relationships, a better job and the list goes on.  When personal branding is done in a thoughtful, thorough way, "there" is "here."  It's not that you don't have goals, you certainly do, but the whole journey is aligned with your deepest values and desires, so each phase along has its own kind of satisfaction. 

It's like raising kids.  When they are babies you think it's the cutest phase and you'll be so sad when it ends, but then the next phase comes and the kids learn to talk and walk and have little personalities and you think, "This is the most fun."  Then they get older and can do all kinds of activities which you watch or participate in and you think it's great all over again.  Of course, there are times and phases when you think it's not so fun, like when your 4 year old daughter writes in red lipstick all over your white office carpet, but the big journey is deeply rewarding.   

Many years ago my husband and I went to Italy to hike the Cinque Terre, a trail connecting a set of 5 ancient coastal villages overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.  The hike is about 4 hours long and extremely arduous in spots, going up steep cliffs on tiny stairs.  There were many times during the hike when we were huffing and puffing so hard we could not talk to each other.  However, it was one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had.  At the top of each peek was a sweeping view of the sea on one side and pink striped beach umbrellas of the village beaches below.  It wasn't just the view, however, that made the hike so memorable, it was the actual climb. Despite bumps and spills, skinned knees and bruised elbows, each new step, each new challenge felt deeply satisfying.  It didn't hurt to be in Italy on the sea with the one I love, knowing a huge bowl of pasta was on the menu for dinner. 

When you are on the path of your own true heart's desire, the journey is equally pleasurable even if stretches along the way are challenging.  The mundane tasks take on new feeling, if you know it is serving your greater purpose or goal.  This is the essence of personal branding.  You know who you are, what your goals are, where you are going and why you are going there. The journey along with all the ups and downs IS the reward. A huge bowl of pasta for dinner doesn't hurt either.