Is Your Brand Image Damaging Your Credibility?

At an event I attended recently for my daughter, I was chatting with another parent who is an administrator at a prominent local hospital. Between discussing braces, soccer and upcoming summer plans, we actually got around to talking about non-kid topics. I asked how work was going and he mentioned that he was swamped because in addition to seeing patients, he also was in the process of trying to fill an open position on his staff. When I asked him how it was going, his answer verified something I know to be true… IMAGE MATTERS.

This man told me how they had searched and searched for a qualified candidate and he was excited, but also nervous about someone they found that might be great. The candidate had a really good resume and the appropriate experience, but the problem was “she looked pretty disheveled.” Even though he liked her, he was worried the rest of his staff would not go for it based on her appearance. He went on to tell me that he knew the candidate was a busy mom and as a dad he gets how hectic it can be, but this was a reflection of the candidate’s judgement about the way she presented herself for the interview.

Even though this dad was someone I knew through our kids, I am quite certain he didn’t know I am a brand strategist and image consultant. We were just having a friendly conversation while we waited for our kids. So it wasn’t a case of him trying to come up with some common ground or something I’d be interested in hearing about. It was just the first thing that popped into his mind when I asked him about work.

The point is, people notice your appearance and how you present yourself absolutely effects their impression of you. The example I just shared is a real life situation where someone might lose out on a great opportunity solely because of their personal image. Do you think she will ever know that’s why she didn’t get the job? I doubt it and that’s why I’m revisiting the importance of image with you today. I want to remind you that people are watching, your image matters and it should be a priority when thinking about your personal brand.

Before we go any further, I want to say I AM that busy mom, no I’m not applying for a job in health care, but I am the mom who goes to the gym at 5am and then stops at grocery store afterwards to pick up milk for breakfast in my yoga pants. I do not look perfect all the time as many of you know first-hand. So I want to be clear that I am not implying you try to look perfect 24/7. However, if you are showing up as the ambassador of your brand, you would be very wise to put some thought and effort into your brand image.

I will never forget the first time I [Read more…]

Warning! R-Rated

Well, hello there Luscious. I want to welcome you to the R-rated post. It’s going to be a scorcher. I mean it’s going to get so hot up in here you’re going to need fan. Are you ready?

I am about to tell you the hottest, most effective sales technique in the universe. It is something that is a guaranteed to make your clients salivate for more.

Ok, here it is. I’m going to pull back the covers now and let you see the surprise.

Hold on there Sally, not so fast. We’re going to take this slow… real slow. Just a little bit at a time. Let’s make it last. Believe me, it will be worth the wait.

Because when you wrap your head around this technique, it’s going to literally blow your socks off. Hey, it may even blow the socks off your clients. They are going LOVE it. It’s going to make them so excited. You are going to make them feel great and you are going to feel great in return.

Have you figured it out yet? I sure hope so, because [Read more…]

Don’t Scare Away Your Audience with These Branding Blunders

Halloween is a scary holiday, but what’s even more spine-chilling is making big branding mistakes that could cost you an arm and a leg. Here are a few of the most gruesome offenses you should try to avoid. [Read more…]

Go Deep Young Brand, Go Deep

"Every great man has become great, every successful man has succeeded, in proportion as he has confined his powers to one particular channel." –Orison Swett Marden

Go Deep Young Brand, Go DeepDoes that quote sound limiting to you? It may. We often bristle at the idea of being boxed in, of being labeled one way or the other. We do not want to be pigeon holed. It seems contrary to the American ideal of more is better. We are always striving to break down barriers, go beyond the horizon, grow and expand.  And while all these endeavors are worthy, they don't necessarily translate effectively to branding.

Successful branding is about narrowing and focusing. People with great personal brands don't try to be all things to all people. Instead they spend time discovering and honing those skills and attributes which resonate most deeply with who they are and where their strengths lie. They go deeper, not wider with their efforts. The result is they become more easily recognized and well-known by their target audience.

This is not to say you can never expand or grow your brand, but in order to do so effectively you first have to establish yourself and what you stand for.  Your audience has to become familiar with you.  You have to earn their trust and loyalty by consistently delivering what you do well. However, you must not stray too far or for too long from your core message, service or ability. I recently saw Bobby Flay, the great chef and grill master on an episode on the HBO series Entourage.  He plays a character based on himself which was great.  However, if he suddenly decided to start doing Shakespeare plays I don't know how successful or happy he would be.

Going deep isn't all about the audience though, it's also about you, the individual. When you go deep you gain mastery which increases your self-esteem and pleasure from what you do. The only caveate is you must know what your channel is.

Here are some clues to help you recognize yours.

1. When you do a certain activity you lose track of time. For example, you go outside to work in your garden and you when you think ten minutes have passed it has actually been an hour.

2. You notice certain things come easily to you where others struggle. You may be out to dinner with friends and when it's time to figure out the tip you whip up the number in a flash while everyone else is pulling out their phone calculators.

3. There is something to which you are continuously drawn. For example, you can't pass up going through an open house even though you are not in the market to buy or sell anything. You may be yearning to be a decorator or a broker.

4. You often find yourself being asked for advice on a certain subject.  Perhaps you have a great sense of style and your friends are always asking you to help them put cute outfits together.

5. Try to remember what you loved doing as a child. Sometimes as adults we forget about or abandon early interests or pursuits due to outside pressures or responsibilities, but those earlier pursuits can actually point to your core abilities.

When you do figure out what makes you tick and stick with it, you create a laser-focused path to success. So put down that clicker and stop channel surfing. When you do, you will become the star of your own show.

You don’t get paid to sing in the shower.

We all love to sing in the shower.  One reason is because the acoustics are awesome. Your voice pings off the tiles and the sound of the rushing water usually makes just enough noise to block out any tiny imperfections in an otherwise Met-worthy tone.   More than likely though, the real reason most people love it so much is because it’s one of the few places they can let it rip with complete abandon.  There is no audience to make us feel self-conscious or judge us.  However, there is also no one there to pay us for our killer vocals or spread the word about spectacular performance.

If you are not effectively getting your message out about your business you are doing the equivalent of singing in the shower.  You may feel all the courage in the world writing your business plan, dreaming up your big goals, or designing a your beautiful new website, but unless you get out in front of people and show them what you can do, you are an audience of one.   It can feel scary to step out and say “Here I am. This is what I do and I do it well, so well in fact, that you should pay me for my talents.”  However, the alternative to taking this risk is remaining isolated in a stagnant business.  Here are a few tips to get over your stage fright.

1.  Practice.  If you are nervous about launching your business or introducing a new product or service, find a practice audience.  Find a friend of friendly client who will be encouraging, but also give you feedback on your performance so you can improve any weaknesses.  Nothing builds confidence like experience.

2.  Remember your big WHY.  How do young marines find the courage to put their lives on the line in battle?  They can do it because they are committed to their mission and believe in the value of their contribution.  When you know why you are in business and believe in your unique value of promise you are more able to move forward despite any temporary discomfort.

3.  Be a copycat.  When we want to know how to wear the latest styles most of us pick up a magazine to see how the celebrities are doing it.  We learn by watching and copying.  If you feel nervous about putting yourself out there, find a few examples of people who you think do it well and emulate them.  What mannerisms do they have, how do they dress, how do they speak?  Even as infants we learn to eat, walk and talk by watching our parents.  Choose a virtual mentor and copy them.

4. Fake it til you make it.  Have you ever heard of method acting?  The basic idea is that you do an action and the emotion follows.  For example, if you need to cry for a scene, you make a sad face and you begin to feel sad.  This may be a gross generalization, but the idea is the same for creating more chutzpah for yourself.  Act “as if” you feel confident. Stand taller, smile more, act “as if” you are the most expert in your field.  People will respond to in turn which will boost your confidence.  It is a positive cycle which you can leverage.

You may not be ready for the Met just yet, but if you keep practicing, keep your goals in front of you, and act as if you deserve to be on the stage, you will find your audience and they will applaud you for your efforts.