How To Make More Money 2016

When we look forward to a new year, we have hope it will be better than the last, that there will be less violence and poverty in the world, that we will weigh less and have clearer skin (ok, that one is definitely me:) and that we will make more money in our businesses than last year.

Hope is a beautiful thing when it comes to staying positive, but it is a terrible strategy for increasing your profits.

If you are serious about increasing your revenue in 2016, you need a clear PLAN.

When the path is clear, execution is successful.

Look at the New England Patriots. Love ’em or hate ’em, they have been a consistently great over the past several years with eight trips to the Superbowl since 1985. That kind of success does not happen on a wish and a prayer. Each season they show up with a detailed strategy for winning and so should you if you want to make more money in your business.

Here is your game plan for more money in 2016: [Read more…]

Are we there yet?

This is the last week of January. Hard to believe, but the year is really off and running now. From this point forward it’s not really the beginning of the year anymore. We’re in it. So what does that mean for our goals?

I don’t know about you, but I love setting goals. For me they are really motivating and fun to plan. It makes me feel alive to imagine all the creative projects I will do for my life and business.  With all this good feeling it’s hard to imagine not accomplishing any of those lovely intentions, but unfortunately, that’s what often happens.

Life gets in the way. Something will come up to throw us off course. It’s natural. Life is not linear. There are bumps and curves in the road. Sometimes there are even giant potholes! However, life is not the problem. It is not usually outside forces that ultimately keep us from reaching our goals. It’s how we [Read more…]

Did I just say that?

Jan 2014 blog.Every year during the holidays I do something stupid. It’s not the same thing every year, but it does happen every year. I may say something inane. I might accidentally blow-off an appointment. This year it was getting getting my kids dressed in their holiday outfits, loading up the car and heading to Christmas brunch with the grandparents only to realize after 20 minutes of driving that brunch was the next day.

I hate making these mistakes. It’s embarrassing, disappointing and I’m sick of it happening. So I’ve decided to figure what the heck is going on and come up with a plan to minimize my gaffs.

Five minutes later…

Ok, I’ve got it completely figured out. It didn’t take months of research to identify the problem. It was staring me right in my worn down face. [Read more…]

Are you Successful or Just Busy?

As women we are often praised for being good multitaskers. Remember the old song “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan, and never, ever let you forget you’re a man?” Did this woman also remember to help with the homework and run to soccer or ballet? I don’t know about you, but I certainly wouldn’t be singing after all that!

Unfortunately, we as women buy into the idea multitasking somehow makes us better. We compare schedules like men compare war wounds. He says, “I got this one in Nam” and we say, “I have to go to the grocery store and then pick up Susie from her playdate so we can get the supplies to take over to the fundraising committee and then…bla, bla bla.” The more you can jam into that sentence, the more street cred you think you get.

Here’s the sad truth, [Read more…]

Is Criticism Damaging Your Brand?

“No one ever erected a statue in honor of a critic.”-Jean Sibelius, composer

Let’s get one thing straight right here, right now. There is almost no way to create a strong, successful brand without getting criticized. As difficult as it is to be at the receiving end of negative feedback, you do yourself and your brand a huge disfavor by going out of your way to avoid it. No one likes getting lambasted for sticking their neck out, however, charting your course by trying not to offend others is a sure-fire way to weaken the impact and power of your brand.

I am not suggesting you go out of your way to be sensational either. Trying to get attention for attention’s sake does your brand no favors either. We all know people and companies who will say or do anything to keep their names front and center. Such antics only cheapen your brand. Thankfully, there is a better path. When you stand in your own truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be at times, you always come out the other side with personal and authentic success.

Tolerating criticism can be highly unpleasant and difficult to withstand even when you are secure in the value of your brand message.

Here are a few tips to keep you strong in the face of adversity: [Read more…]

Don’t Let Your Brand Goals Fall Behind.

Don't Let Your Brand Goals Fall Behind.Today is October 1st. As if on cue, the weather turned overnight from balmy to cool and rainy. It is a vivid reminder that things are shifting and that time is marching on. It’s been a great year so far for me with taking on new clients, learning new technologies, and creating new services. As you all know however, with any business there is always so much more to do. As October marks the beginning of the end of the year it is time to think about what still needs to get done. That list can get pretty daunting, so the question is how to prioritize?

If you are anything like me, you have about 50 projects whirling around in your head at any given time. It can get very overwhelming trying to decide where to start and where to focus your energy. In her book Stop Saying You’re Fine, Mel Robins says that when you keep your ideas in your head “you are working behind enemy lines.” She suggests a wonderful tool called a brain dump. You simply write down everything, I mean everything, you need or want to get done from finishing your e-book to buying a new comforter for your bed. Once it’s down on paper your mind is freed up to think more clearly and choose which actions make the most sense to work on first.

[Read more…]

The Personal Branding Compass

I recently heard an interview with Elizabeth Lesser, a leader in the field of emotional intelligence, where she said, "If you don't know who you are, how can you follow your longings?"  It was such a simple , yet incredibly profound statement.  If you don't know who you are, how can you know what you want out of life?  If you don't know what you really want, how do you know in which direction to go? 

This is where personal branding comes in.  At its core, personal branding is the process of discovering yourself.  When you are very clear about who you are, what your goals are and where your passions lie, you have a compass for your life. Your personal brand becomes your own due north. 

The great thing about a compass is that it is portable.  Any time you feel like you are getting off track you can take it out and check your directions.  The same is true for personal branding.  If you ever feel  unsure of your next step you can check in with your brand.  Does the decision you are making conflict with your values?  Is it in alignment with your goals?  If you don't know the answers to those questions you could very well get lost.  However, with your trusty compass in your pocket you can always find your way.