Archives for January 2013

The Sweetest WordPress Themes Around.


Quisque at dolor venenatis justo fringilla dignissim ut id eros. Quisque non elit id purus feugiat vestibulum. Phasellus eget sodales neque. [Read more…]

Is Criticism Damaging Your Brand?

“No one ever erected a statue in honor of a critic.”-Jean Sibelius, composer

Let’s get one thing straight right here, right now. There is almost no way to create a strong, successful brand without getting criticized. As difficult as it is to be at the receiving end of negative feedback, you do yourself and your brand a huge disfavor by going out of your way to avoid it. No one likes getting lambasted for sticking their neck out, however, charting your course by trying not to offend others is a sure-fire way to weaken the impact and power of your brand.

I am not suggesting you go out of your way to be sensational either. Trying to get attention for attention’s sake does your brand no favors either. We all know people and companies who will say or do anything to keep their names front and center. Such antics only cheapen your brand. Thankfully, there is a better path. When you stand in your own truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be at times, you always come out the other side with personal and authentic success.

Tolerating criticism can be highly unpleasant and difficult to withstand even when you are secure in the value of your brand message.

Here are a few tips to keep you strong in the face of adversity: [Read more…]

Do You Have Enough Conviction To Be Great?

“I have a dream…”

This month marks the birthday of civil rights leader and activist, Martin Luther King Jr. We remember his life and his message of equality and non-violent protest. Now days his message is widely embraced and celebrated, however, during his lifetime King’s convictions caused extreme conflict ending, of course, in his murder.

By the time King was killed, he had already received many death threats. In spite of the danger, he was not deterred. He knew there was a significant possibility he would not survive to see his dream through to fruition, and still, he kept on. How does one forge ahead in the face of such great and grave opposition? [Read more…]

Why Am I So Sad?

If you are someone who lives for Fridays, you are probably in the wrong job. Of course, we all have work weeks that are more challenging than others, but believe it or not, there are people who get just a little sad when the week is over. Who are these crazy whack jobs?? They are people who are keenly aware of their personal brands.

These people live and work in a way that allows them to optimize their strengths and get compensated for doing what they love. I know it’s true, because I’ve seen it many times with own clients. These people love what they do and feel blessed to be able to spend their time being engaged in activities at which they excel.

People who understand their personal brands enjoy one of life’s greatest pleasures, [Read more…]

Velit Porttito

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam et consectetur erat, ac iaculis lectus. Vestibulum porta leo vel dignissim imperdiet. Ut consectetur nisi eros, sed consectetur magna egestas id. Vivamus tincidunt faucibus ante, vel rhoncus sapien egestas nec. Nulla ultrices, dolor et dignissim adipiscing, tellus diam tempus mi, vitae egestas purus ligula eget risus. Cras scelerisque augue sapien, vitae lacinia sapien rhoncus vitae. Aliquam quis enim in nulla ullamcorper consequat. Vivamus sollicitudin tortor augue, sed fringilla neque commodo eu. Vestibulum hendrerit massa a nulla gravida ullamcorper. Vestibulum sodales magna nec lorem feugiat, ac interdum justo gravida. Duis et iaculis enim. Aenean aliquet interdum mi, sit amet dapibus est porttitor in. In eget dolor egestas, commodo ante eget, lacinia dui. Praesent at tristique erat. Proin luctus tortor et lectus gravida varius.

Cras rhoncus metus quis diam malesuada vulputate. Duis euismod lectus id varius interdum. Etiam quis tincidunt mi. Praesent aliquam purus at purus blandit auctor. Etiam pharetra tellus sem, in laoreet turpis euismod sed. Ut massa lectus, volutpat non convallis ut, hendrerit quis dui. In nec lacinia sapien. Proin placerat tincidunt orci, scelerisque imperdiet ante laoreet et. Fusce porta ante eget tortor sagittis ultrices. In consectetur fringilla urna, non fringilla elit consequat at. Nam vel porta lectus. Donec condimentum hendrerit erat, gravida feugiat dolor accumsan vehicula. Sed vel laoreet elit.

Mauris lacinia velit augue, vel pellentesque sem ultrices ut. Curabitur lobortis leo ultrices velit interdum, sed placerat urna mollis. Curabitur ullamcorper odio et sapien pharetra, non adipiscing magna faucibus. Vestibulum bibendum a magna vel eleifend. Etiam malesuada commodo tortor eu convallis. Nunc enim nisi, porta et dolor nec, porttitor tempor leo. Sed eu rhoncus risus. Aenean eu luctus lectus, vitae semper leo. Sed porta, nunc sit amet scelerisque fermentum, lacus enim elementum tortor, sed molestie nulla diam a leo. Vestibulum iaculis dolor ligula, gravida rhoncus odio sollicitudin eu. Nunc ultrices nunc ut odio feugiat fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dolor augue, suscipit eu dui quis, commodo tincidunt turpis. Nulla facilisi. Proin aliquet rhoncus ipsum eget convallis. Aliquam pretium vestibulum viverra.

Aenean laoreet tortor

Vivamus risus mi, lobortis ut congue vitae, vestibulum vitae augue. Maecenas nunc odio, pulvinar id vulputate nec, porttitor at quam. Suspendisse vulputate diam eu leo bibendum feugiat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non ligula augue. Praesent imperdiet magna at risus lobortis ac accumsan lorem ornare Cras sed lobortis libero. Pellentesque arcu lacus, dignissim ut porta in, interdum vel risus. Curabitur non est purus. Ut adipiscing purus augue, quis elementum dolor convallis id.

Suspendisse diam

[Read more…]

Facilisis Elementum

Quisque luctus nec sem quis vestibulum. Sed neque est, ornare eu laoreet in, molestie vitae augue. [Read more…]

Carl Sagan

Quisque et sapien

Sed sit amet sem dignissim, sollicitudin ante vel, consequat neque. Nunc justo lacus, rhoncus ut interdum nec, iaculis mattis orci. Donec at blandit augue, nec tristique ligula. Donec euismod nulla at erat fringilla, a porttitor lorem condimentum. Aliquam ut interdum libero, at pharetra orci. Quisque fermentum, felis ut gravida ornare, eros neque egestas dui, quis sollicitudin sem sem non ante. Fusce metus lorem, scelerisque ut diam non, vehicula dapibus sapien. Sed sagittis, ante at ornare pellentesque, sem justo consequat enim, quis adipiscing quam enim ac velit. Vestibulum condimentum tempus sapien eu porttitor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque interdum odio vel consectetur dignissim. Fusce eget tristique nulla.

Duis at purus ut est cursus imperdiet. Sed condimentum massa in enim cursus, sed mattis elit malesuada. Nunc tincidunt magna sit amet metus sagittis tempor. Maecenas lacinia condimentum ultricies. Sed et lacus nec augue venenatis interdum. Fusce sit amet luctus augue. Aenean scelerisque porttitor ultrices. Nulla dui tellus, egestas sit amet posuere sit amet, dictum tristique mauris. Praesent sed elementum mauris. Nullam et enim eget nisl eleifend auctor lobortis et dui. Curabitur at malesuada magna. Nunc nec tincidunt mauris, vitae tincidunt enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ante leo, bibendum at metus in, dignissim sodales nisi. Curabitur id augue iaculis, elementum diam eget, ultrices massa. Fusce eleifend tincidunt neque, a porta nibh faucibus non.

How to Make 13 A Lucky Number For Your Brand

“You’ve gotta ask yourself one question: ‘Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?’–Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry

Doesn’t it seem like some people are born with a horseshoe over their head? Good things just seem to come their way. Ah, if only you could tap into some of their good fortune…

Perhaps some people are just born lucky, but for the rest of us, we have to make our own. The good news is, you don’t have to carry a rabbit foot in your pocket to turn the tides in your favor. Here are a few tips to make 2013 your luckiest year yet: [Read more…]