Archives for November 2012

Does Your Brand Deliver Happiness?

Want to know how to make a $1,000,000,000? Try being a little weird.

This month’s book recommendation is Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, founder of Zappos. For those who may be unfamiliar with Zappos, it is the most successful online shoe store ever which sold to Amazon for $1.2 billion in 2009. How did Zappos achieve such amazing success? After all, not every online retail venture ends in a 9 zero deal.

Of course, much of Zappo’s success must be attributed to the intelligence and business savvy of Tony Hsieh and his brilliant team. However, Hsieh himself has said the meteoric rise of Zappos is largely due to [Read more…]

I Challenge You To Do 100!

This is a picture of me after my morning workout. I’m tired, but happy and very grateful. A couple of  months ago I wrenched my back and was unable to exercise for several weeks and even then it was slow going. Today was the first day since early September I was able to do my normal full workout and it felt really good. I was so grateful to be able to move my body again.

It’s funny how much we take for granted in life, especially things that can sometimes take effort. However, the moment those things are taken away, you realize how important they are and it gives you a whole new appreciation of their value. When you value something, you are more motivated to pay attention to and care for it and that in turn makes it flourish. If you care for your body, your health flourishes and if you care for your business, it will flourish too.

Cultivating a sense of gratitude is essential for [Read more…]

Are You Leaning into your Brand?

When things in your business hit a wall, do you find another wall to push or do you lean into the one in front of you?

When we start a new business, we usually have the excitement of a kid on the last day of school. We’re itching for the bell to ring so we can get going. We rush out into the marketplace, start looking for clients and think of all kinds of ideas and products for our new venture. However, somewhere along the way our enthusiasm runs low.

Maybe clients aren’t flowing in as quickly and regularly as we thought they would. Or we experience a slump in our creativity. This is when the doubt monster creeps in and wreaks havoc on our confidence. When we start to feel insecure, one of the first things we do is look at what we can change.

Sometimes change is a great way to breathe new life into a business and sometimes change is just a knee-jerk reaction that results in a jumbled mess. We get frustrated so we start looking around at what everyone else is doing. We think if this big guru is doing things a certain way, that must be the right way for us. We borrow a little here and a little there and morph our business so much that it no longer looks like our business. It just looks like a watered-down amalgamation of someone else’s vision.

So what’s a girl to do? [Read more…]

Do you have a Ping Problem?

Have you ever wondered why the phone is not ringing with clients asking to work with you? Are you frustrated because your business is not growing as quickly as you’d like it to? Do you wonder why no one is asking you to partner and do business collaborations together? If so, you may have a ping problem.

If you’ve been following me a while, you know I’ve talked about ping before. Ping is what gives a singing voice shimmer and edge so it can carry and be heard over the orchestra. A voice without ping sounds flat or fuzzy. The sound quality is diffuse because it lacks clarity and focus. As a result, it has difficulty reaching the audience.

If you are having difficulty propelling your business forward, more than likely you too are  [Read more…]