Want More Clicks & Shares From Your Video Posts? The ONE Thing You Need….

iphone-1603478_1280-1I’m going to cut to the chase, if you’re an entrepreneur serious about growing your business online, you need to be doing video.

We live in a world of Snapchat, Periscope, Facebook live-streaming, YouTube and many other platforms all moving to video. If you’re not getting your face in front of a camera, you are sooooooo going to get left behind.

I’ve been asked to critique many videos over the past few months for clients and colleagues and the number ONE thing I’ve noticed is this:

(Click to tweet)

If you have too much information, too many stories, too much movement and too many calls to action, you are going to lose people. What you need is an easy process to remember. Keep It Simple Sweetheart:)

If you want to get more engagement, clicks and shares, follows this easy 3-to-1 formula:

1. Speak to ONE person-Know who your ideal client or perfect audience member is and speak ONLY to them. Even though you may have thousands of people watching your videos, your message should go directly and only to that ONE ideal person. Period. This makes everything you say more targeted and powerful.

2. Have ONE point-Understand the main or underlying point you are trying to get across and have everything you are saying drive to that ONE point only. If you include more than one story to illustrate your point, make sure each story also supports and directs back to ONLY the point you are trying to make.

3. Have ONE call to action-Decide ahead of time what you want your video to do for you. If you want to grow your list, send them to your opt-in or landing page url. If you want to build your podcast audience, tell them to hit the subscribe button. What you DON’T want to do is ask people to do several things, “Like me on Facebook, visit my website, download my free report…etc.” Choose the ONE main course of action you’d like people to take, explain very clearly how they can do it and say it with authority.

*The ONE exception to #3 is, you always want to ask people to share your videos even if you are making another call to action. You are trying to build a following, so the more eyes on you, the better.

Remember, if you’re trying to create a strong brand presence online, you’re going to be doing a LOT of videos so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to tell your stories, articulate your brilliant insights and direct people to all the various, wonderful offerings you have. Don’t try to cram it all in at once, it will only overwhelm and confuse your audience.

Just ONE things at a time, baby:)

If you’d like to know how to create a rockin’ brand presence online so you can attract ideal clients and establish your celebrity expert status, apply for a Free Strategy Session here=>Profit From Your Message

Until next time, here’s to hitting all your  high notes!

How To Captivate Your Audience

You can have the most powerful message and give incredible, high-value content, but the cold, hard truth is, if your performance lacks polish and authority, you are not going to have the impact you could and certainly lose out on sales you should be making from your talks.

Think about it. Would you be more inclined to buy from someone who was really engaging, dynamic and passionate about their topic than someone who was nervous and fidgety? Of course! That’s human nature.

It was amazing to see their presentations transform right before our eyes. Suddenly the room came a live with their energy and everyone sat up and paid attention. It’s not that the material had changed, it was the way the material was presented that made a huge impact.

The more you can engage your audience, the more sales you will make. The better your performance is, the more confident you come across, the most expert you seem which gives the message to the audience that you have something valuable to offer.

Here are 3 things you can do to be more captivating at your next talk:

1. Walk into the room with your introduction memorized. You should be able to say your opening lines in your sleep, forwards, backwards and upside down. You don’t necessarily have to memorize your whole talk, but you want your full and undivided attention on your audience when you walk in the room. Wow them!

2. Wait to start speaking until you’ve landed. Don’t start introducing yourself while you are walking up to speak. Take your time, ground yourself and then give your opening lines. You want to establish a powerful position and take ownership of the space.

3. Use a commanding voice. This is a performance. When you are speaking to an audience, you are not going to use the same level of energy you use chatting on the phone with your BFF. You need to pump up the volume and the energy of your voice. Imagine you are in a big hall vs. doing a close-up shot on camera. Doing this will make you sound more expert and energize your body.

There is a lot more that goes into creating a profitable presentation including having powerful content and a strategy for selling, but if you start with these three steps, you will be on the right track to captivating your audience.

If you’d like to know more about how you can create a signature talk that sells, check out my FREE webinar Close Any Room. CLICK HERE to register=>bit.ly/CloseAnyRoomTraining