Where’s The Party At?

iStock_000023713971XSmallI love InStyle magazine. It’s so fun to look at gorgeous celebrities in the beautiful gowns they’ve worn to the Oscars or some fabulous party. Is there anything that makes a woman look better than a well fitted gown? I don’t think so.

When I was in college I would go with my girlfriends to Bloomingdales and try on all of the prettiest, most expensive gowns I could find. I’m sure the sales people hated us, but it was so much fun. Really, ladies, if you ever want a pick-me-up, I highly suggest you try it. Of course, in those days I was also performing a lot and actually did need gowns for my wardrobe. I had a reason to get dressed up, I was going on the stage.

A big part of creating a winning brand is knowing how to dress it up, but making it look pretty is only the beginning. In order to have success, you have to step onto the stage. You can’t just stand in the wings in your ball gown and expect your business to grow. It is a mistake I see many entrepreneurs make. They think because they have spent time and money getting their websites up or sharp new business cards or even a snappy new tagline, their work is done. In fact, it’s just beginning!

I guarantee you, image matters, but it is what you DO with your image that matters most. You can go to Blooomies and get yourself a dazzling gown, but what good will it do if you have no where to wear it? Sure, you could sit at home and admire yourself in the mirror all night, but wouldn’t it be more fun to go out and party? Better yet, wouldn’t it be great to perform for a hungry, paying audience?

You have a voice, a gift, a talent, a product that can and will impact and change lives. It is your responsibility to share it. You cannot do that if you don’t get out and get the word out. Sometimes we know we need to step out, but we’re not sure how or where. Sometimes we are afraid, but that is no excuse if you want to be successful. You must be willing to find the answers you need or stay backstage forever. So how are you going to do that?

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you get started:

1. Where do I need to be to reach my audience? Where does your audience live? Are you showing up there?

2. What do I need to learn in order to leverage the platforms where my audience lives? Is there a course or training you need?

2. Is there anything personally holding me back from stepping onto the stage? What are you afraid of? How can you address that fear?

3.  What is it costing me to stay hidden? It may feel more comfortable in the beginning to play it small, but will that get you what you ultimately want?

4. What supports do I need to put in place to help me make the leap center stage? No one reaches great success on their own. Who do you need to add to your support team to help guide you and keep you accountable?

You all have wonderful, beautiful gifts to share. And yes, they certainly deserve sexy packaging, but it’s no fun to play alone. There IS a party out there and YOU are invited. Will you accept the invitation?

*I work with my clients to create authentic and compelling brands and brand images, but I also help my clients create and implement clear and effective strategies to launch their brands and grow their businesses. If you would like to know more about working with me, I invite you to contact me to set up a FREE Brand Strategy Call.

I love to hear your voice!

What do you find to be your biggest challenge in marketing your business?

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Heather Poduska is a Reach certified personal brand strategist, image consultant and business coach who helps women entrepreneurs create client attractive brands, polished brand images and brand communication strategies to increase their visibility and impact in the marketplace and grow their businesses.






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